1 – Nicola Lusuardi – “Telling stories in a global way”

1 – Nicola Lusuardi – “Telling stories in a global way” Episode Summary In this first episode of Euro Pudding, we talk with Italian writer and development…

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“Euro-pudding” is a generally a derogatory expression for movies and series that feel fake and fabricated only for co-productions and financial reasons, sometimes with a mediocre globalized English.

We want to reclaim that silly word and prove that we can create fantastic television in Europe, by working together.

We highlight the writers’ side of the business, interview key players of the television landscape, talk in detail about our craft, showcase writers, be present at the major festivals, and imagine how we can all come together to make the best television possible.

EURO PUDDING invites producers, commissioners, and everyone interested, inside the mind of screenwriters. We’ll listen to how we work, what we need and how the entire industry could change for the better.

For any comments or suggestions, please write us at info@europudding.com

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