S02E03 – Katharina Lang & Anthony Khaseria – Writing for audio

Episode Summary

We learned more about writing for audio thanks to a wonderful chat with our guests, who are both creators of original Audible series: German writer Katharina Lang and British author Anthony Khaseria. Open your ears and enjoy!

Episode Notes

Euro Pudding is a podcast by SEAN.

It’s created and hosted by Pierre Puget and co-produced and co-hosted by Philipp Scherzer.

Visit our website www.europudding.com!

Please write to us at info@europudding.com with questions, feedback, topics you want us to cover, etc.

Find us on Instagram or Facebook.

To learn more about the Serial Eyes programme.

Musics by Rafaël Leloup.

Visual by Katharina Bobeth.


0’00” – Intro and chit-chat

04’35” – Discussion with our guest Ben Harris

59’00” – Conclusion and recommendations

You can find DER RATTENFÄNGER on Audible in German, in Spanish (EL FLAUTISTA) and soon in French. And SCHUND UND SCHMUTZ will be published in 2023.

This is our guest Katharina Lang’s website: http://klangstories.de/

We recommended you the video game Assasin’s Creed: Valhalla, the series 1899 and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and (or not…) the movie BLONDE (on Netflix).


  • Katharina Lang
  • Anthony Khaseria
  • Philipp Scherzer
  • Pierre Puget


  • audio
  • europe
  • writing
  • series
  • screenwriters
  • thriller
  • euro pudding
  • audible