Kálmán Gasztonyi

Activity: Writer, Head Writer, Showrunner
Nationality: Hungarian
Lives in: Berlin
Writing languages: Hungarian, English
Genres: Drama, Thriller, Sci-fi
Showrunner, Apatigris/Tiger Daddy (10 X 40 min. episodes ), 2021-present
Season 3 currently airing on RTL+. Season four in script-development phase.
Head Writer, Hol vagy Kajla?/Where are you, Kajla?, 2020 (10 X 10 min. episodes)
Heartwarming family adventure tale. YouTube
Head Writer, Mellékhatás/Side Effects, 2020-2022 (10 X 54 min. episodes)
Medical thriller that was RTL Hungary’s first self-developed, primetime TV drama series. The pilot episode was highly rated, and the second season is in post-production.
Writer, Ostrom/A Siege, 2018 (22 min, directed by István Kovács)
Student Academy Award winner, International Narrative
Winner of numerous awards including the CILECT Prize for Best Student Film, and the Hungarian Film Price for Best Short Film.
Writer, Válótársak/Divorce, 2015-2018 (15 X 44 min. episodes)
Licensed remake of the Dutch dramedy “Divorce.” Successfully aired on RTL Klub Hungary.
DFFB Serial Eyes Programme, 2021
FAMU International, Prague (Erasmus+ Program), 2018
MA in Screenwriting, University of Theatre and Film Arts, Budapest, 2016
MA in Political Science, Eötvös Lorand University, Faculty of Law, Budapest, 2013